
  • 文件大小: 5.05KB
  • 文件类型: txt
  • 上传日期: 2022-08-17
  • 下载次数: 1


SELECT * FROM "t_ems_info_room_rel"

/********  ����������Ҫɾ�����ݵı�  **********/ 
CREATE TABLE t_els_pro_course_20220817 AS SELECT * FROM "t_els_pro_course";
CREATE TABLE t_els_course_detail_20220817 AS SELECT * FROM "t_els_course_detail";
CREATE TABLE t_els_course_info_20220817 AS SELECT * FROM "t_els_course_info";

CREATE TABLE t_ems_paper_20220817 AS SELECT * FROM "t_ems_paper";

CREATE TABLE t_ems_invigilate_20220817 AS SELECT * FROM "t_ems_invigilate";
CREATE TABLE t_ems_info_20220817 AS SELECT * FROM "t_ems_info";

/********  ɾ���γ�  **********/ 

-- ɾ����Ŀ-�γ̹�����
delete from t_els_pro_course where corp_code = ''lbox'' and course_id in ()

-- ɾ���γ������
delete from t_els_course_detail where corp_code = ''lbox'' and course_id in ()

-- ɾ���γ̱�
delete from t_els_course_info where corp_code = ''lbox'' and course_id in ()

/********  ɾ���Ծ�  **********/ 

-- ɾ�����Ա�
delete from t_ems_paper where corp_code = ''lbox'' and paper_id in ()

/********  ɾ������  **********/ 

-- ɾ�����Թ������ݲ�ɾ����
-- delete from t_ems_info_room_rel where corpCode = ''lbox'' and examId in ()
-- delete from t_ems_info_paper_rel where corpCode = ''lbox'' and examId in ()

delete from t_ems_invigilate where corp_code = ''lbox'' and exam_id in ()

delete from t_ems_info where corp_code = ''lbox'' and exam_id in ()

/********  ����  **********/ 

-- course_id�������ݣ�
select course_id from t_els_course_info where course_status = ''FORBIDDEN''

-- paper_id�������ݣ�
select paper_id from t_ems_paper where status = ''DISABLE''

-- exam_id�������ݣ�

select exam_id from t_ems_info where exam_code in(''20220801192732958'', ''20220731003437536'', ''20220727113704372'', ''20220729230954720'', ''20220729182020818'', ''20220729155757612'', ''20220727113510896'', ''20220726130834989'', ''20220727113255216'', ''20220725184259152'', ''20220726114300366'', ''20220727120643299'', ''20220726113348465'', ''20220725183834386'', ''20220724184021927'', ''20220722160239352'', ''20220629131044770'', ''20220629130255446'', ''202205...

